Pieces of furniture that conserve forests

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Noticias Choose products with wood obtained of sustainable form allows to protect the role of the forest sector in the environment

The deforestation is one of the big environmental problems global. According to the organisation environmentalist WWF, if they do not take measures, from today until 2050 will lose 2,3 million square kilometres of forest, an upper surface to the one of Mexico. But every time there are more initiatives that plead for a sustainable use of the forests, able to reduce and even revertir this tendency. And increasingly consumers take these initiatives to the hour to buy pieces of furniture and wooden soils.

An alive forest is a natural resource of incalculable value. His main environmental importance is his capacity to retain carbon dioxide —the main gas of effect invernadero— and expel oxygen. According to the NASA, 45%  of the carbon of the terrestrial surface is contained in the forests of the world. Besides, the forests contribute to avert the desertisation —a problem in ascent, especially in Spain— and are hot points of biodiversity.

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